Lena Mamykina MS, PhD

Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Graduate Program Director

Dr. Mamykina's Website

DBMI Associate Professor Lena Mamykina earned a master’s and PhD in human-computer interaction and human-centered computing at the George Institute of Technology in Atlanta. She earned a master’s and completed a postdoc in biomedical informatics at Columbia University. Her bachelor’s degree in computer science is from the Ukrainian State Maritime Technical University.

Dr. Mamykina’s broad research interests include an individual’s sensemaking and problem-solving in context of health management, collective sensemaking within online health support communities, clinical reasoning and decision-making, communication and coordination of work in clinical teams, and ways to support these practices with informatics interventions. She also focuses on analysis of health information technologies and how they are used among critical care teams, as well as social computing platforms for facilitating knowledge sharing within clinical communities, and within online health support groups.

Dr. Mamykina was nominated twice for best paper at the ACM SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems and won the IBM Research Division Award for Outstanding Contribution as a Summer Student. She has served as a program committee member for the CHI and AMIA conferences.