HIT Certification Programs Honors Six Graduates From Class of 2021

The Columbia University Health Information Technology Certification of Professional Achievement program recognized six graduates from its Class of 2021 during a virtual ceremony May 7. 

HIT certification program director Virginia Lorenzi opened the ceremony and introduced George Hripcsak, Chair and Vivian Beaumont Allen Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia, who provided the graduate address. 

The keynote address was provided by Aneesh Chopra, the President of CareJourney and the first U.S. Chief Technology Officer under President Obama (’09-’12).

The HIT Certification Program Class of 2021 celebrated its commencement during a virtual ceremony May 7. Top (L to R): Mohirjon Ahmedov, Salvatore Crusco, Kyung Woon Kim.
Bottom (L to R): Brian Sa, Ben Suarez, Xinyan Zhou.

Following the presentation by Dr. Chopra, Virginia Lorenzi honored each of the graduating members of this HIT cohort: Mohirjon Ahmedov, Salvatore Crusco, Kyung Woon Kim, Brian Sa, Ben Suarez, and Xinyan Zhou. Each successfully completed the two-semester, competency-based Certification of Professional Achievement program.

This program offers a conceptual framework, background knowledge, and workforce skills in HIT. Topics include project management, organizational context, implementation, HIT regulations and standards, usability, knowledge representation, data storage, clinical decision support, IT-enabled patient engagement, clinical analytics, healthcare interoperability, security, and privacy. Supplemental lectures address potential knowledge gaps in computer science or health care.

Following the commencement ceremony, there was a 2-hour virtual career fair, as well as an HIT alumni reception.

Applications are still being accepted for the 2021-2022 HIT cohort. The deadline to apply is May 25. More information, as well as the application link, is available here.